It is super easy to make this pie and filled it with nature´s best fruits.
Vegan dough:
- 2 cup spelt flour
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1 cup chopped almond
- Salt
- 125 g coconut oil
- 3 tablespoon brown sugar
- 2 tablespoon oil
- 1 cup water
In a large bowl stir together flour, almond, salt and coconut oil. Add sugar, oil and tablespoons water and pulse a few more times until it starts to came together. Place on a lightly floured work surface. Using a rolling pin, roll into a circle. Gently place the dough into a pie plate.
Plum mixture:
- 1 kg plum, cut into quarters
- 1 lemon, juice
- Maple syrup
In a saucepan, combine the plum, lemon juice and maple syrup. Cook over medium heat until the jam is melted.
Pour the plum mixture into the pie crust. Top with the crumble mixture spreading evenly. Bake at 180˚C for 45 minutes.
Vegansko testo
- 2 skodelici pirine moke
- 1 skodelica bele moke
- 1 skodelica mletih mandljev
- Ščepec soli
- 125 g kokosovega masla
- 3 žlice rjavega sladkorja
- 2 žlici olja
- 1 skodelica vode
Najprej zmešamo pirino, belo moko, mandlje, sol in kokosovo maslo. Dodamo sladkor in olje in pregnetemo. Vodo dodajamo postopoma in po občutku.
Takoj razvaljamo na pomokani površini (nekaj testa pustimo za na vrh pite). Nežno postavimo v pekač za pito.
Slivov nadev
- 1 kg sliv, narezanih na četrtine
- 1 limona, sok
- Javorjev sirup
Kuhamo vse tri sestavine v večjem loncu, dokler se slive ne zmehčajo. Nadev zlijemo na testo. Ostanek testa s prsti zdrobimo in posujemo po površini nadeva. Pečemo na 180˚C 45 minut.
Recipe & photos Aleša Velikonja, studiocapsula Photography