
Karin Bizjak Vercellotti

The Cute Queen (Editor in Chief)

Little Cutie full of energy and good will. New challenges, new knowledge, inspirations, creations, fell of beauty and greatness, is what guides me in life. I love to be with people that inspire me and flow with my energy. With them I am building my dreamlife, my Cute Life. Be Cute

Aleša Velikonja Aljoša Kravanja

We are a couple in life and with in photography. As caractrs very different, but this is very positive for our work with photography, because we complete each other. Despite the differences, we have a couple of complementary interests, art, fashion, architecture and we love to travel and we love love love food.

Barbara Karničar

The Photo Queen (Photo Editor)

A woman with many thoughts trying to capture beautiful moments of my everyday life on a camera. Sometimes I call myself a blogger trying to write my thoughts, love for food, travel and passion for photography on my blog. I never start my day without breakfast and a big cup of green tea. Always looking on the bright side and thinking positive. In expectation for winter.

Pia Anžel

The Video Queen (Video Editor)

Lover of long conversations next to a cup of good tea, getting lost around town, dreaming and art, who can’t imagine her life without creativity, dance and painting. In a turbulent relationship with oversized tops, etno-prints and turquoise colour. Flower child with the desire to travel the whole world (and the universe)

Petra Hertl

The Design Queen

Student of architecture who is in love with fashion, graphic and interior design. A girl who loves to be around the people, smiles all the time, looks and believes in stars. Black and grey colors lover who recognises small things in her every day life because god is in details.

Vesna Bofulin

The Beauty Queen

Sem ljubiteljica vsega lepega in prava razvajenka kar se tiče mode, lepote, prehrane in vsega kar nam lahko polepša zivljenje. Vedno sledim novostim in jih sama preizkušam na svoji koži, kaj deluje in kaj ne. Ni lepšega, ko si po napornem dnevu privoščim toplo kopel in dobro masko - IN SEM KOT NOVA! Vse to in še več bom delila z vami.

Lorella Flego

Fashion Expert,, Slovenia

Kako je težko pisati o sebi, bom poskusila. Urednica in novinarka, ki se že 12 let ukvarja z modo, voditeljica Bleščice, edine oddaje o modi na slovenski sceni, in urednica spletnega portala Ljubim potovanja, kitajsko hrano, New York ob vsaki priliki, staro rok glasbo, nasmeh ljudi, dobro voljo. O sebi pravim, da sem večna optimistka s šibko točko: nakupovanje po spletu me je namreč 100 % osvojilo.

Mojca Šapla

International Fashion Expert, Dubai

Life is such a trip, you just gotta laugh along whit it and enjoy yourself… life not everything is smooth but you just got to deal with it. Living life to the very moment and doing everything that I ever dreamed of as a child, also trying things I haven’t thought of before. Being inspired, and having a passion and thrill for life.

Aleksandra Nkumah

Queen of Cute spiritual Entity (Access Bars facilitator)

Reality shaker, consciousness warrior, body whisperer, beauty lover. More a being than a human. Living in the question of how does it get even better than that and what else is possible for us on this beautiful planet of ours? Life is a creation of your Being. Beauty and power of it is in acknowledgement of strength and potency that you truly be. What would it take for all of us to Ease Into Being us? To receive this gift of Life with Ease, Joy and Glory? What if life can be magic? I am here with you to facilitate the journey into You. The journey into infinite field of possibilities. There will be no right or wrong answers, there will be just simple questions. Questions that will open us up to new roads in life. I wonder what magic can we create together? ❤️

CuteLife Host

Hosting at Cute Life

We are hosting all the Cute girls & boys that wanna join us with their great stories about the beauty of life that we cherrish everyday.