Nashi Argan, welcome to Slovenia!

This amazing products finally hit Slovenia and we are very happy to have the opportunity to try and know them.

Soon we will let you know how are our hair appreciating them, so a sequence of this story is coming  in the end of March for sure.

We enjoyed the company of the Nashi Argan team at the lounch event at Vander resort in Ljubljana and had the opportunity to talk to the export manager from Italy, Nicholay Selusenkov and of course with the main Nashi Argan lady from Slovenia, Tanja Jakomin.

Karin Bizjak ( Cute Life), Nikolay Selusenkov (export manager Nashi Argan), Tanja Jakomin (Nashi Argan Slovenija)
Karin Bizjak, Nikolay Selusenkov, Tanja Jakomin


Karin Bizjak: How you decided to bring Nashi Argan to Slovenia, what inspired you?

Tanja Jakomin: It was a pure coincidence. I got this amazing products for a birthday gift and I was amazed by their quality, fabulous scient and the simplicity of use. As many of us, I am very busy and I just love having efficient, high quality and easy-to-use products that give me fast results. So I immediately saw a business opportunity in this brand. In Italy and other foreign countries Nashi Argan is having an awesome impact with the clients and I belive that Slovenia will also follow this trend.


KB: The essential essence that drives you in your life and guides you?

TJ: My main guidance in life is knowledge, hard work and a personal relationship with the people that I work with. Perfectionism is my way of being and I like everything to be done 200%, no matter how much time it takes.


KB: What means for you the connection nature-technology?

TJ: Lots of years we did so much harm to nature, because of getting natural resources for the comfortable life we have on this planet. The most elevated countries are connecting technology, ecology and economy very well and looking to build a healthy business oriented enviroment. And this is also one of the facts that is a big plus for the Nashi Argan brand. Their products are not tested on animals, they are enviromentally friendly because their package is 100% recyclable and throughout the production chain they use energy from renewable sources. Today the care for the enviroment in which we live in essential and we can support it with modern technology and innovation.


KB: The concept of Nashi Argan and why is different?

TJ: The concept of Nashi Argan products is based on high quality, profesionality in the process of research and development of the products and carefully selected organic ingredients and of course the simplicity of them. That is why we call it the “smart” product line.


KB: What is your favourite product of the line?

TJ: I have to say that I adore all of them but mostly the Argan Oil.


KB: A tip for a modern woman to have a Cute Life?

TJ: I love life with all the diffilculties, complications, beautiful and not so beautiful moments. I adore my family, friends, coworkers and all the people that are with me day by day and make it awesome with little simple things. We all are involved in the big search for happiness and often forget that hapiness is in front of us and in us. But we are so involved with unimportant things that forget about it. If some days begin with a negative impact, I try not to let this play the main role on me and how I feel. I put a smile on my face and go on with it. Is important to take time for yourself, so I go for a coffe with friends, enjoy a good movie, take a relaxing massage or spend an evening with my dearest friends & family. The story of our lives has its ups and downs and it is up to us to make them memorable and worth of our vital energy and vibe. For me the ability to enjoy life is one of the most valuable facts that I am doing for myself.

Nashi Argan, dobrodošel v Sloveniji!


Čudoviti izdelki Nashi Argan so končno svoje mesto našli tudi v Sloveniji.

Zelo smo veseli, da jih imamo možnost spoznati in preizkusiti. Kmalu vam bmo razkrili tudi kako jih imajo radi naši lasje, saj nadaljevanje tega članke lahko pričakujete že konec meseca marca.

Prijeten dan druženja z Nashi Argan ekipo je za nami. Na predstavitvenem dogodku teh izjemnih produktov smo imeli čast poklepetati z export managerjem iz Italije, ki je Nicholay Selusenkov ter predstavnico blagovne znamke v Sloveniji, Tanjo Jakomin.


Karin Bizjak: Kako ste se odločili, da pripeljete Nashi Argan v Slovenijo, kaj vas je navdušilo?

Tanja Jakomin: Čisto slučajno sem za rojstnodnevno darilo prejela izdelke linje Nashi Argan, ki so me takoj navdušili zaradi njihove visoke kvalitete, enostavne uporabe, prijetnega vonja ter izjemnim takojšnjim učinkom. Kot večina vseh nas, sem tudi sama zelo zaposlena in imam rada kvalitetne in enostavne izdelke s takojšnjim učinkom, zato sem tu videla tudi poslovno priložnost. V tujini je linija Nashi Argan požela velik uspeh, zato verjamem, da bo tako tudi v Sloveniji.


Tanja JAkomin
Tanja Jakomin


KB: Kaj vas vodi v vašem življenju in ohranja vašo vizijo?

TJ: Moje glavno vodilo v življenju je znanje, trdo delo in osebnostni pristop k posamezniku. Po naravi sem perfekcionistka, zato rada delo opravim tako kot je potrebno, ni važno koliko časa mi to vzame, koliko neprespanih noči terja, važno, da so zadeve narejene tako kot je potrebno.


KB: Kaj vam pomeni povezava narava-tehnologija?

TJ: Veliko let smo s tehnologijo ogrožali naravo za pridobitev določenih dobrin in nekateri jo še vedno, a ekološka ozaveščenost je vedno bolj prisotna. Gospodarsko razvite družbe zahtevajo spojitev ekologije in ekonomije, temu pravimo oblikovanje okolju prijaznega gospodarstva, kar lahko vidimo tudi pri liniji izdelkov Nashi Argan, saj njihovi izdelki niso testirani na živalih, so prijazni okolju, ker je njihova embalaža iz 100% recikliranih materialov, v celotni proizvodni verigi pa uporabljajo energijo iz obnovljivih virov. Dandanes je skrb za okolje v katerem živimo bistvenega pomena in z inovacijami in moderno tehnologijo lahko to uresničimo.


KB: Koncept Nashi argan linije in zakaj je drugačna?

TJ: Koncept linije Nashi argan temelji na visoki kvaliteti, profesionalnosti v procesu raziskav in razvoja produktov, na skrbno izbranih organskih sestavinah in enostavnosti, zato ji tudi pravimo »pametna« linija izdelkov.


KB: Kateri je vaš njljubši izdelek Nashi Argan?

TJ: Moram reči, da so mi vsi izdelki linije Nashi Argan izredno všeč, predvsem pa mi je všeč arganovo olje.


KB: Nasvet ženski za popono Cute življenje?

TJ: Neizmerno imam rada življenje z vsemi težavami, zapleti, lepimi in manj lepimi trenutki. Obožujem svojo družino, prijatelje, sodelavce in ljudi, ki me obkrožajo ter si svoj vsakdan skušam polepšati z enostavnimi stvarmi. Vsi smo v vročičnem iskanju sreče in se marsikdaj ne zavedamo, da je sreča pred vrati, a je ne vidimo, ker se ukvarjamo z nepomembnimi stvarmi. Čeprav se kakšen dan prične slabo se trudim, da si ne izbrišem nasmeška iz obraza in z ironijo premagam vsakdanji stres ter si tako polepšam vsak trenutek. Pomembno se je ustaviti in si vzeti čas zase, iti na kavico s prijatelji, uživat v dobrem filmu, si privoščit sprostitveno masažo ali preživet večer v družbi prijateljev. Pot življenja te vodi skozi vzpone in padce in samo od tebe je odvisno, kako voljno se lahko prepustiš toku, ki te zagrabi in odnese s seboj. Zame osebno je sposobnost, da uživam v življenju eden najpomembnejših premikov, ki sem jih pri sebi ustvarila.


Foto: Nashi Argan & Cute Life




Karin Bizjak Vercellotti

The Cute Queen (Editor in Chief)

Little Cutie full of energy and good will. New challenges, new knowledge, inspirations, creations, fell of beauty and greatness, is what guides me in life. I love to be with people that inspire me and flow with my energy. With them I am building my dreamlife, my Cute Life. Be Cute

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