Cute tips for the new season

Yes, I know, at home (in Slovenia) we are deep in summer, but travelling all around the globe, there is no season for me aymore.

In my wardrobe there is all the seasons of the year at all times.

Today I am inspired with the coming of autumn and some main pieces for a perfect “cute-style”.

One of the most important pieces I really treasure at all times are the shoes. The ones I found this time are a very particular pair in a blue-violet nuance of textile with a pattern of red leaves that reminds me of a baroque design. I found them at the Zara in Saint Petersburg (Russia) after visiting one of the most amazing places in the city, the Hermitage museum (check it out on our IG posts).

The hairstyle is also new, with a lighter bottom part and some waves, the natural sunlight look.


The main piece of this styling is the coat. Made by Tanja Zorn, this is a piece that is a must, especially if a light inbetween season coat is missing from your wardrobe. The design is breathtaking, perfect for a daily or evening occasion. Believe it or not, this will be your best friend for the autumn 2019.

The whole picture is done with a black top and a sleek skirt with apealing trasparent stripes, shining off with a big golden purse that covers all the expectations of a busy woman.



Hope I inspired you for the next autumn shopping.

Enjoy the week ahead 🙂



Photo by Aleša Velikonja Studiocapsula Photography


Top, skirt, coat and purse Tanja Zorn; sunglasses Jimmy Choo, shoes Zara

Make up done with Catrice cosmetics

Karin Bizjak Vercellotti

The Cute Queen (Editor in Chief)

Little Cutie full of energy and good will. New challenges, new knowledge, inspirations, creations, fell of beauty and greatness, is what guides me in life. I love to be with people that inspire me and flow with my energy. With them I am building my dreamlife, my Cute Life. Be Cute

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Discovering life trough the joy of travelling around our amazing world, enjoying the latest fashion, design and beauty trends.