MODUL ART by Neli Štrukelj

Neli always inspires and surprises me with her creations. Her last creation is the collection of bags Modulart.

The bags from Modulart collection are made out of modular elements that Neli designed on the computer and constructed them in a 3D form. They are cut with laser and pinched together to get the final desired form.

The uniqueness of the project is in the innovative way of creating the 3D forms and comes from all the years of fashion and industrial design, based on the technology for fast prototyping. The modular base gives many options to change the shape and function of the objects and the option of developing many versions of them.

The bag Modulart is a must-have fashion piece for me. I can style it wherever I want, with a casual spory look or with an elegant trendy and professional outfit. This season I will let go my immagination and play with this amazing Modul in my fashion days.


Neli me vedno znova preseneti s svojimi kreacijami. Tokrat je predstavila torbe iz modularnih enot, ki so združene v kolekcji Modulart.

Torbe iz kolekcije Modulart so sestavljene iz modularnih enot, ki jih je Neli s pomočjo računalniškega programa oblikovala v tridimenzionalno formo, lasersko izrezala in zgolj z zatikanjem sestavila v želeno obliko.

Izvirnost projekta se kaže v inovativnem načinu ustvarjanja tridimenzionalnih form, v katerem se prvine in znanja modnega in industrijskega oblikovanja prepletajo in dopolnjujejo z oblikovanjem za okolje in tehnologijo za hitro prototipiranje. Modularna zasnova omogoča preprosto spreminjanje oblike in funkcije ter tako razvoj številnih različic objektov.

Modulart torba je vsekakor must-have modni dodatek v omari vsake modne navdušenke, saj nudi neizmerno možnost kombinacij in stiliranja z slogi vse od casual in športnega do elegantnega in poslovnega. Jaz se bom vsekakor pepustila domišljiji in igri mode in vključila nov Modul v svojo dnevno umetnost oblačenja.

Karin Bizjak Vercellotti

The Cute Queen (Editor in Chief)

Little Cutie full of energy and good will. New challenges, new knowledge, inspirations, creations, fell of beauty and greatness, is what guides me in life. I love to be with people that inspire me and flow with my energy. With them I am building my dreamlife, my Cute Life. Be Cute

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