The Paradise of Bermuda Island – Part I

The island of Bermuda is the one I really felt in love with. Here the time stops and the theme is a palm paradise that never ends.

Historic Dockyard

The first place I discovered is the historic Royal Naval Dockyard in the West End of the island. This was a former Royal Navy stronghold and is now a place for beautiful shops, a craft market, a national museum, some really yummy restaurants.

Dockyard is also the team base for the 35th America’s Cup presented by Louis Vuitton of which I had the fortune to see part of the races, as being there just in the period of the America’s Cup.

The bermudian sea
All you wanna have from a place on Bermuda, shopping, discovery and good food.

The national Museum of Bermuda

Here you can get to know the island’s legendary history at the National Museum of Bermuda. Here I could see which cannons, shipwreck artefacts, small watercraft and artwork that are kept in the buildings of the former Keep Fort.

One of the most beautiful details is the dramatic mural depicting four centuries of Bermuda history, painted  by a local artist Graham Foster.

When you checked all the surroudings of the museum, you can stop by the dolphins where you can watch them swim and see their show.

The Museum sits on the Hill, surrounded with turquoise waters.
The view from the Museum hill is amazing. The turquoise bermudian waters are something you never forget.
From the terrace of the Museum I had the most spectacular view.
For my visit at the Museum I choosed a long summer dress that was a gift from my friend, Etiketa Shop sandals, Tommy Hilfiger bag and Jimmy Choo sunglasses with a simple ponny tale.

The Murales in the Museum.

The Dolphins

Delicious Food Places

After al of the wandering around and discovering all the secret places of this amazing place, a good meal is what makes the perfect cherry on the top of a bermudian day. In Dockyard there are three places that I can advise you to go. The one I love the most is Bone Fish, where my favourite meal was the tuna tartare that was the best I ever had. The other two are Caffe Amici, where is perfect to take an aperitivo ( the Rum Swizzle ) and some finger food to start your evening, as it is also an italian restaurant and the third is the Frog and Onion, where you can order more traditional english-oriented dishes and a good beer.

Delicious tuna tartare at the Bone Fish restaurant.
The front yard at the entrance of Frog and Onion restaurant.

Mr. Rooster is something very normal in the streets of Dockyard. He owns the street.
The UK look of Bermuda is everywhere, including with the phone boots in red color.
This day was a little windy so I dressed with one of my fav leggings by Jana Koteska, wrapped myself in the cousy Y3 scarf and put on my Melissas.
Karin Bizjak Vercellotti

The Cute Queen (Editor in Chief)

Little Cutie full of energy and good will. New challenges, new knowledge, inspirations, creations, fell of beauty and greatness, is what guides me in life. I love to be with people that inspire me and flow with my energy. With them I am building my dreamlife, my Cute Life. Be Cute

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