Colorful smoothie bowls

You can create pretty much any combination of flavors that you want and then top it with your favorite fruits and other crunchy addings like cereal and nuts. You will discover few of them with us in the next days.

Raspberry Smoothie Bowl

I love the texture of this smoothie.


  • 1 cup (250ml) frozen raspberries
  • 1 cup (250ml) frozen mango
  • 1 cup (250 ml) coconut water
  • 1 tbs honey
  • 1 tbs chia seeds
  • 1 tbs pumpkin seeds


Place the mango, raspberries and coconut water in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Pour smoothie into a bowl. Garnish with chia seeds and pumpkin seeds.


Barvna smothie skleda

Ustvarjate lahko veliko kombinacij okusov in dekorirate z najljubšim sadjem, oreščki, kosmiči, žiti, semeni… Z nami jih boste v naslednjih dneh odkrili kar nekaj.

Malinova smoothie skleda

Obožujem teksturo te smothie sklede.


  • 250 ml zmrznjenih malin
  • 250 ml zmrznjenega manga
  • 250 ml kokosove vode
  • 1 jedilna žlica medu
  • 1 jedilna žlica chia semen
  • 1 jedilna žlica bučnih semen


Vse sestavine (maline, mango, kokosovo vodo, med) vržemo v multipraktik, zmeljemo, prelijemo v skledo in dekoriramo z chia in bučnimi semeni in malinami.


Recipe and photos: Aleša Kravanja, studiocapsula Photography

Aleša Velikonja Aljoša Kravanja

We are a couple in life and with in photography. As caractrs very different, but this is very positive for our work with photography, because we complete each other. Despite the differences, we have a couple of complementary interests, art, fashion, architecture and we love to travel and we love love love food.

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