Frozen yogurt s sadjem

Poletje nas boža že cel september in jaz še vedno rada ližem hladne sladke dobrote. Da pa bi naredila nekaj spremembe, sem se tokrat odločila za zmrznjeni jogurt po receptu prijateljice Malince.


(za 10 frozen yogurtov):
• 200 – 250 g bio ovčjega jogurta
• 4 čž fino mlete kokosove moke
• sveže borovnice, jagode, ribez in maline


OPIS POSTOPKA: Ovčji jogurt in kokosovo moko zmešamo. Maso razporedimo v modelčke za mafine. Med maso dodamo poljubno sadje, ki ga dodamo tudi na koncu.

Modelčke z maso nato damo v zamrzovalnik in ko zamrzne, se lahko že sladkamo z zdravo


Fotografije in recept: Malinca

Karin Bizjak Vercellotti

The Cute Queen (Editor in Chief)

Little Cutie full of energy and good will. New challenges, new knowledge, inspirations, creations, fell of beauty and greatness, is what guides me in life. I love to be with people that inspire me and flow with my energy. With them I am building my dreamlife, my Cute Life. Be Cute

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