Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, Day 2

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The 2nd day of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week began with the press conference with the model Petra Nemcova.

She fascinated the public right way, with her carisma and simplicity. She is a fascinating woman that helped rebuilt the schools after the tsunami in Thailand in 2004 and is founder of the Happy Hearts Found foundation. Besides this she is known wirldwide for her campaign with the Mercedes-Benz brand, being the face of the GLS series.

Petra Nemcova na MBFWLJ #01

The main part of the day was the evening part with five fashion designers, presenting their new collections for Fall Winter 2016/17: AKULTURA, Peter Movrin, SENS, Spirit by T.B. and Cliché.



Akultura is a fashion brand of full asymmetry, established by the specific signature of the designer Alenka Globočnik Fabjan. The pieces of this collection were inspired by life itself. Akultura works with materials and the tailoring suitable for all seasons . The only difference is in the many ways of wearing the pieces and the method of combining individual items of clothing.

Akultura catwalk


Peter Movrin

The fashion parish of Peter Movrin, winner of the University Preseren Prize for 2015, was full of sexapeal. Its creations choose to stay in and come from the world  of famous divas. In his work we can see the light and flames of glory from the movie The Hunger Games – Mockingjay Part 2.

Peter Movrin
Peter Movrin



The designer, Zlata Zavašnik since 1994 creates men’s clothing under the brand name SENS. It draws inspiration in working with new fabrics, which by their texture and color take on the whole silhouette. In this collection the designer played with borders and travel beyond the classic concept of men’s suits and shirts .



Spirit by T.B.

Tomislav Bahorić is a fashion designer who enjoys and lives fashion from an early age . “Miracle Boy” garnered a wave of enthusiasm with his first solo collection. With his quick- fashion concept, however, he enlifhtened the media and earned numerous prestigious titles as ” the new hope of Croatian men’s fashion”. Spirit by T.B. is a brand that impresses with the use of top quality materials and urban elements of deconstruction .

Spirit by T.B.
Spirit by T.B.



Jelena Pirkmajer is creating fashion under the name of Cliché since 1991. Her inspiration is the woman who is in love with life. She is constantly searching for fresh ideal solution when designing and using new “smart” materials. In addition to the exceptional virtues of quality, Cliché promotes fashion IQ and individual style of dressing. The Collection Fall-Winter 2016 is sexy, feminine, happy, playful and super useful.



See all the pictures in the Gallery above!


Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, dan 2

Drugi dan MBFWLJ se je začel z izjemno obiskanim novinarskim srečanjem s Petro Nemcovo.

Že v uvodnih trenutkih je novinarje očarala s svojo dostopnostjo, posluhom za izgradnjo in obnovo šol po tsunamiju na Tajskem, leta 2004, in izjemno uspešno kampanjo za znamko Mercedes-Benz. Češka manekenka, ustanoviteljica Happy Hearts Fund in obraz razreda GLC, je Ljubljano obiskala premierno in bila nad slovensko prestolnico navdušena.

Petra Nemcova na MBFWLJ #03


Osrednji del dne je bil namenjen petim modnim revijam, ki so se v večernem delu odvile v Veliki sprejemni dvorani Cankarjevega doma. S kolekcijami za jesen in zimo 2016/17 so se predstavili: AKULTURA, Peter Movrin, SENS, Spirit by T.B. in Cliché.


Akultura je modna znamka polna asimetrij, ustanovljena s podpisom oblikovalke Alenke Globočnik Fabjan. Gre za kose oblačil, ki jih navdihuje življenje samo. Akultura posega po materialih in krojih, ki so primerni za vse letne čase. Razlika je le v načinu nošenja in načinu kombiniranja posameznih kosov oblačil.


Peter Movrin

Modna srenja Petra Movrina, nagrajenca Univerzitetne Prešernove nagrade za leto 2015, budno spremlja vse od začetka njegove poti leta 2008. Njegove kreacije izbirajo svetovno znane dive, v njegovem delu lahko uživamo ob ugledu filma Igre lakote – Upor, 2. del.

Peter Movrin
Peter Movrin


Oblikovalka Zlata Zavašnik od leta 1994 ustvarja moška oblačila pod blagovno znamko SENS. Navdih črpa v vzorcih novih tkanin, ki jo s svojo teksturo in barvo popeljejo naprej. Na tokratni modni reviji MBFWLJ se je oblikovalka poigravala z iskanjem meja in potovanjem onstran koncepta klasične moške obleke in srajce.


Spirit by T.B.

Tomislav Bahorić je modni oblikovalec, ki modo uživa in živi že od malih nog. »Čudežni deček« je že s svojo prvo samostojno kolekcijo požel val navdušenja, s svojim premišljeno zasnovanim modnim konceptom pa si je v medijih prislužil številne laskave nazive kot je »novi up hrvaške moške mode«. Spirit by T.B. je znamka, ki navdušuje z uporabo najkakovostnejših materialov ter urbanih elementov dekonstrukcije.

Spirit by T.B.
Spirit by T.B.



Jelena Pirkmajer se pod svojim ustvarjanjem podpisuje z imenom Clichė vse od leta 1991. Njen navdih je ženska, ki ljubi življenje. Estetsko je najbolj naklonjena obdobju druge polovice prejšnjega stoletja, nenehno pa išče sveže idealne rešitve pri oblikovanju in uporablja nove, »pametne« materiale. Poleg izjemne vrline v kakovosti Clichė spodbuja modni inteligenčni kvocient ter individualni slog oblačenja. Kolekcija jesen-zima 2016 bo seksi, ženstvena, vesela, igriva in super uporabna.



Vse fotografije si oglejte zgoraj v naši Galeriji!


Photo: Cute Life & MBFWLJ

Karin Bizjak Vercellotti

The Cute Queen (Editor in Chief)

Little Cutie full of energy and good will. New challenges, new knowledge, inspirations, creations, fell of beauty and greatness, is what guides me in life. I love to be with people that inspire me and flow with my energy. With them I am building my dreamlife, my Cute Life. Be Cute

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