Rice starch is a natural component for effective care for all skin types. It soothes irritated skin and spots. The becames soft, shiny and elastic after using it.
For the mask you need:
- 2 tablespoons of rice starch
- 1-2 tablespoons of lukewarm water
- 1/2 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate
Mix all the ingredients together and applie on cleansed face. Immediately after the application you will feel a slight tingling due to baking soda, which means that the mask is already working. Sodium bicarbonate is a great addition that will cleanse well your pores. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and during rinsing it off make a peeling by massaging the skin with circular motions . Do it once a week.
Rižev škrob je naravna sestavina za učinkovito nego vseh vrst kože. Pomirja razdraženo kožo in pike. Koža je z njegovo uporabo mehka, sijoča in prožna.
Za masko potrebujete:
- 2 žlici riževega škroba
- 1-2 žlici mlačne vode
- 1/2 čajne žličke sode bikarbone
Vse skupaj premešate ter nanesete na očiščen obraz. Že takoj po nanosu boste čutili rahlo ščemenje, zaradi sode bikarbone, kar pomeni, da maska že deluje. Soda bikarbona je super dodatek, ki vam bo očistil pore. Masko pustite delovati 15 minut in med izpiranjem naredimo še rahli peeling, tako da masiramo kožo s krožnimi gibi. Izvajamo 1x tedensko.
Foto: Image courtesy of suphakit73 and Yongkiet at FreeDigitalPhotos.net