Goodbye dark spots with this amazing homemade mask

As I love to cure myself as much naturally as I can, I decided to share with you my treatments and masks that I prepare at home with natural ingredients. And the results are astonishing.

The best is to try it yourself and see the awesome work that mother nature always does.

I decided to spoil you at least two times a week, so stay tuned to our natural beauty world.



1/2 of fresh squeezed lemon

2 spoons of yogurth

Put the mask on the dark spots on your skin and leave it on for 30 minutes. Repeat 3 times a week and the dark spots get lghter step by step.


1/2 sveže stisnene limone

2 žlici navadnega jogurta

Nanesite na madeže na vašem obrazu, dekolteju, rokah, kjerkoli ste jih opazili. Pustite delovati 30 minut. Ponovite 3x tedensko in madeži se bodo postopoma posvetlili.


Photo: “Lemon Fruit” by Danilo Rizzuti,

Vesna Bofulin

The Beauty Queen

Sem ljubiteljica vsega lepega in prava razvajenka kar se tiče mode, lepote, prehrane in vsega kar nam lahko polepša zivljenje. Vedno sledim novostim in jih sama preizkušam na svoji koži, kaj deluje in kaj ne. Ni lepšega, ko si po napornem dnevu privoščim toplo kopel in dobro masko - IN SEM KOT NOVA! Vse to in še več bom delila z vami.

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