#AnimationInReality by Gregory Masouras

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Gregory Masouras is a 22 years old man form Athens, Greece. He is sharing his creations on instagram with more than 60 thousand followers under the hashtag #AnimationInReality. So, what’s all that about?

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He wanted to bring the animated characters from our childhood to live and now has five concepts: popular places in Athens, branded designer clothes, actors, singers and the newest one – ‘It’s your turn’ – in collaboration with his followers.

         AnimationInReality (12)


His story started about a year and a half ago when he bought a new cellphone and wanted to test the camera. He got an idea of including animated characters into his photos. His friends loved his work and encouraged him to keep going. He now says that he had never expected to make such an impact on people.

He says that he wants to make his hobby his job, because when you do what you love you can do incredible things.

He says he’s most proud of himself and his work when his followers’ responses are complimentary and kind.


The CUTE life team is loving Gregory’s instagram and his work! See the gallery for more.

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