Summer trip to Puglia

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This year we were quite insecure where to go for our holidays. So after a week of searching trough destinations on internet (beaches, places, food, where to stay,…etc.) we decided and we drove to the beautiful italian region called Puglia.

We spent our first week in Ostuni, an amazing town placed on a hill, whisch got the name “la citta’ bianca” (the white city), because of the all white colored houses in it.

Ostuni is a beautiful town full of tiny streets where you can walk for hours, sit in the cute bars and restaurants and check all the boutique shops.

We choosed Ostuni also because of the town itself and its amazing position. It is surrounden with an amazing landscape and just 8 km away from the coast and beautiful beaches.

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The soil there is very fertile and you can find lots of fresh local vegetables and fruit. And here is also a very known region for olive oil industry. Olives are everywhere and we lived for a week in a house surrounded by olives.

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During our week here we visited Alberobello and saw the amazing architectural phenomena of Trulli. You can walk trough a part of the town, where you can see this beautiful cute houses from inside out, because most of them are shops and bars. Typycal for this houses are the secret symbols on each of the roofs, a cross, a heart pierced by an arrow, a circle divided in four parts,… which are parts of Christian and pagan origins.

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Beautiful places to visit are also Lecce “le Firenze del sud”(Firence of the sud), but we had to little time to see it all. We were surprised by the beauty of the town and the beaches in the surroudings.

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The next morning we went to the other side of the boot, on the Ionic seaside. We saw the old town part of Gallipoli, which is a two-side town with a modern part on the coast side and the old town part on a little island. This is konow as one of the most beautiful places in Salento. From here we went to Porto Cesareo, which is a very popular seaside resort and has a few kilometer of golden sand beaches with an amazing calm blue sea.

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The first week was finished, but our holiday went on. We took the road to a northern city Gargano, to the town Ischitela. Ischitela is a bizarre place on a hill and here are no turists. A girl told us that here only people that used to live here come back for holidays. Despite this we had a really amazing time here.

After a week you just feel like you are one of them and totally get into their rhytm of life.

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For the region of Gargano are typical charming cities, polite people, genuine food from this region and a crystal clear sea.

The sea here is, in one word, memorable.

White sand beaches, high white cliffs that offer also an amazin cultural scenario, where yu can see the famous trabucchi. We saw Vieste, the most touristic city in Gargano, which is full of white houses that are all together just like a maze. The second architectural alike town is Peschici, which is situated on the top of a mighty regional cliff.

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This was our amazing Italian trip for this year. All the pictures and feelinga are still impressed in me and this is really a part of the world where I could live in.

See all the pictures in the Gallery above.

Poletni potep po Puglii

Za letošnje počitnice smo bili kar neodločeni kje bi jih preživeli. Po skoraj tednu dni brskanja po internetu (plaže, kraji, hrana, prenočišča itd.) je kocka pada…odpeljali smo se v italijansko Puglio.

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Prvi teden smo preživeli v mestu Ostuni. Očarljivo mestece na hribu, ki je dobilo ime “la citta’ bianca” (belo mesto), zaradi pobeljenih stavb. Ostuni je čudovito mesto, po ozkih ulicah se lahko sprehajaš ure in ure, posedaš v enem od številnih barov ali restavracijah ali brskaš po številnih majhnih butičnih trgovinacah. Izbrali smo Ostuni tudi zaradi mesta samega in zaradi odličnega položaja, obdano je z lepo pokrajino in le 8 km od morja, od lepih in neokrnjenih plaž. Okolica je zelo rodovitna in ima veliko sadja in zelenjave. Predvsem pa tu cveti oljčna industrija. Oljke rastejo vse povsod in tudi mi smo en teden bivali v majhni hišici sredi oljčnega nasada.

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Mesto je odlična iztočnica tudi, če želite obiskati prekrasno vasico Alberobello, za ogled znamenitih Trullov. Sprehodite se lahko skozi del mesta, kjer si jih lahko ogledate od zunaj in znotraj, saj je večina trullov urejenih v manjše trgovinice in bare. Zelo značilni za te simpatične hišice so skrivnostni simboli na stožčastih strehah: preprost križ, srce prebodeno s puščico, krog razdeljen na štiri dele…, ki so kristjanskega in poganskega izvora.

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Tu je še mestece Lecce “le Firenze del sud”. Mi smo si vskakor vzeli premalo časa za njegov ogled. Pozitivno nas je presenetilo tako samo mesto kot plaže v okolici.

Naslednje jutro smo se odpravili na drugo stran škornja, na Jonsko morje. Ogledali smo si stari del mesta Gallipoli. Gallipoli je dvodelno mesto, moderni del na celini in starejši zgodovinski del na majhnem otoku. Verjetno eno najlepših mestu v Salentu. Od tu smo se odpravili naprej proti Porto Cesareo, ki je zelo priljubljeno obmorsko letovišče, saj ima kar nekaj kilometrov peščeno-zlatih plaž in jasno, mirno morje.

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Prvi teden se je na žalost izstekel, a počitnice se še niso zaključile. Odpeljali smo se bolj severno v Gargano, v mesto Ischitela. Ischitela je res bizarno mestece na hribu. Tukaj ni turistov. Oziroma kot nam je povedalo tam stanujoče dekle, sem pridejo na počitnice tisti, ki so nekoč tu živeli oziroma tisti, ki imajo tu sorodnike. Vseeno smo se v tem majhnem mesetecu počutili fantastično, saj po tednu dni postaeš kar njihov in se popolnoma navzameš njihovega ritma živjenja.

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Za območje Gargano so značilna očarljiva mesta, prijazni ljudje, pristni okusi tega območja in kristalno morje. Morje je tu, z eno besedo, nepozabno. Bele peščene plaže, visoke bele pečine, ki ponujajo popoln kulturni scenarij, saj se ob celi obali vidijo znameniti trabucchi.

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Ogledali smo si Vieste, najbolj turistično mesto v Garganu, ki v sebi nosi pravi prepleteni ulični labirint posut z belimi zgradbami. Drugo arhitekturno zelo podobno mestece je Peschici, ki se nahaja na vrhu mogočne kraške pečine.

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To so bile naše popolne italijanske počitnice in vsi vtisi in slikovita pokrajina se še prepletajo v meni in mojih mislih. Lahko rečem, da je to košček na naši prelepi zemlji, kjer bi lahko živiela.

Vse slike si oglejte v Galeriji zgoraj.

Photos: studiocapsula Photography

Aleša Velikonja Aljoša Kravanja

We are a couple in life and with in photography. As caractrs very different, but this is very positive for our work with photography, because we complete each other. Despite the differences, we have a couple of complementary interests, art, fashion, architecture and we love to travel and we love love love food.

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