Raw vegan plum cake

So a few weeks ago I made plum cake.

A light and delicious plum cake, perfect for summer time.


  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1/2 cup dates
  • pinch of salt
  • a hand ful of apricots


  • 2 cup ripe plums
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 3 dl water
  • cinnamon
  • sugar or other sweetener to taste

To make the crust add all ingredients into a blender and pulse until you have a rough flour that’s slightly sticky. Press the cake mix for the base evenly into a prepare form pan, lined with baking paper on the bottom. In 3 dl of water put some plums and boil for half an hour. Add all ingredients for the filling in a blender and pulse until they transform into a smooth paste. Add water and agar powder in a small saucepan. Whisk the mixture together and bring it to a hard boil on medium-high heat, being careful not to let the liquid boil over. Remove the saucepan from the stove and pour the mixture into the other ingredients for the filling and mix.

Spoon filling into the crust and place into the fridge.

Presna slivova torta

Torej, pred nekaj tedni sem naredila slivovo torto.

Lahka in okusna slivova torta, idelana za poletje čas.


  • 150 g mandljev
  • 150 g datljev
  • ščepec soli
  • pest suhih marelic


  • 300 g sliv
  • 3 dl vode
  • 2 jedilne žlice kokosovega olja
  • agar agar
  • sladkor oziroma sladilo po okusu
  • cimet

Mandlje, datelje in marelice dobro premešamo v mešaniku in enakomerno oblikujemo po tortnem modelu (20 cm). In damo v hladinik med tem ko pripravimo nadev. V 3dl vode damo nekaj sliv in kuhano pol ure, da dobimo kot nek slivov kompot. Nato vse sestavine za nadev razen agar agarja do gladkega premešamo v mešalniku. V 1 dl vode raztopimo približno 4 g (1 žlica) agar agarja. Dobro premešamo in zavremo. Prilijemo k slivovemu nadevu in ponovno dobro premešamo.

Nadev prelijemo čez tortno osnovo in postavimo v hladilnik, da se nadev strdi.



Reciepe & photos: Aleša Velikona, studipcapsula Photography

Aleša Velikonja Aljoša Kravanja

We are a couple in life and with in photography. As caractrs very different, but this is very positive for our work with photography, because we complete each other. Despite the differences, we have a couple of complementary interests, art, fashion, architecture and we love to travel and we love love love food.

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