Delicious Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

Making your own ice cream is easier than you think. This is homemade ice cream made using just whipping cream and milk.

This summer recipe doesn’t need an ice cream machine – pop it in the freezer, then enjoy in the sunshine!

The first ice cream I made at home was Simple Strawberry Ice Cream and seeing how it makes me feel great, I’ve tried several ice cream recipes since then.

Ingredients for the basic ice cream:

  • 2 cups (450 ml) cold whipping cream (add sugar if you want)
  • 14 ounces (400 ml) cold milk (or cold sweetened condensed milk)

Beat cold cream on medium speed until stiff peaks form. Add cold milk (or condensed milk) into the whipped cream. Turn on the machine to high speed and whip the 2 ingredients together.

Simple Strawberry Ice Cream

It is a no cook ice cream and can just be prepared in less than 5 minutes.


  • 1 pound strawberries
  • 2 cup ice cream base
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 tbs vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt


Wash and trim the strawberries, then cut into 1/4-inch slices. Place half of the sliced strawberries in a food processor or blender and puree. Add in the rest of your ice cream ingredients and gently fold them all together. At the end add cut strawberries.

Pour the mix into a shallow container or dish that can be frozen, cover with clingfilm and freeze for at least 6 hrs.

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Advice for the end:

Prepare only as much ice cream as you think you eat. Since homemade ice cream contains no artificial additives it becames very hard.

Recepti za odlične domače sladolede

Pripraviti sladoled doma je lažje kot si mislimo. Za pripravo teh sladoledov ne potrebujete kot mleko in sladko smetano. In to poletje ne potrebujete stroja za pripravo sladoleda-zmešajte sestavine dajte v zmrzovalnik in uživajte na soncu! Prvi sladoled, ki sem ga pripravila doma je preprost jagodni sladoled in od tistega dne sem preiskusila še nekaj sladolednih receptov.

Navodila za pripravo osnovnega sladoleda:

  • 250 ml mrzle sladke smetane (sladkor dodate po želji)
  • 200 ml hladnega mleka (ali kondenziranega mleka)

Smetano stepajte dokler ne postane malenkost čvrsta. Dodajte mrzlo mleko in z mešalnikom zmešate obe sestavini skupaj.

Preprost jagodni sladoled

Ta sladoled je brez kuhanja in ga pripravite v samo 5 minutah.


  • 1 posodica jagod
  • 450 ml osnove za sladoled
  • 2 žlici sladkorja
  • 1,5 žličke vanilijev ekstrakt
  • ščepec soli


Operimo in obrišimo jagode. Nato nekaj jagod narežemo na manjše kose, iz druge polovice jagod pa, s paličnim mešalnikom, naredimo pire. Jagodni pire dodamo v ostale sestavine in rahlo pomešamo. Na koncu dodamo še na koščke narezane jagode. Zmes vlijemo v plitvo posodo, pokrijemo s folijo in damo v zmrzovalnik za najmanj 6 ur.

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Nasvet za konec:

Pripravite samo toliko sladoleda kot ga mislite pojesti. Ker domači sladoled ne vsebuje nobenih umetnih dodatkov postane čez dva dni zelo trd.

Reciepe and photos: Aleša Velikonja, studiocapsula Photography

Aleša Velikonja Aljoša Kravanja

We are a couple in life and with in photography. As caractrs very different, but this is very positive for our work with photography, because we complete each other. Despite the differences, we have a couple of complementary interests, art, fashion, architecture and we love to travel and we love love love food.

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